• The email message should ask caregivers to click on the ‘Reply online’ link. This will take them into the system and present them with a screen allowing them to specify if it is a legitimate absence or not, and a text box for an explanation. This will then appear in the EN Batch and your Student Management System, along with text responses. We recommend that the need to click on ‘Reply online’ and not use ‘Reply To’ the email is emphasized. 
  • In cases where caregivers fail to adhere to this and use the ‘Reply To’ function in their email programme, the response will go to the ‘From’ email address. We recommend that you specify an email address that the Attendance Officer can access in order to keep an eye out for any of these messages. 
  • The items inside “$ $”, e.g.$StudentName$ and $PeriodNumber$, are special values and should not be edited or deleted.