Use the Events Centre to set up an event in the school calendar on the School-links portal and notify a specific group or the whole school via text and email. Parents and caregivers can RSVP and you can monitor the number of RSVP’s. You can also send out updates as required should you need to continue to promote the event or wish to change the details. Attachments such as maps, posters or fixture lists can be sent with emailed event messages.
If you do not select a targeted group, the event that you have created will automatically be sent via text and email. If you select a pre-defined group, you will have the option to choose text and/or email. In the case of whole school announcements where RSVPs are not important, you may wish to send the event details using the News Centre. This will allow you to broadcast details of the event to the whole school via email, rather than email and text.
Examples of use: school productions, presentations, sporting fixtures, society or club meetings, PTA or Board of Trustee meetings and year group assemblies.