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Logging In, Accounts and Passwords
I've forgotten my password - how do I reset it?
How do I log in?
How do I change my username and password?
How do I change my contact information?
What School-links tool does what job?
Where can I find all the School-links tools?
How do I know when to use the different School-links tools? Use our useful table.
When do I use Emergency Alerts?
When do I use Messaging?
When do I use News Centre?
View all 6
Emergency Text Alerts
When do I use Emergency Alerts?
Where do I find Emergency Alerts?
How do I create an Emergency Alert?
Why hasn't my Emergency Alert gone out?
Where do I find the Delivery Reports?
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Attendance Management
What does EN or early notification mean?
How do I find out how to use EN in my SMS?
Can I change the EN message that goes out?
How can I see the attendance reports?
How can I get more caregivers to reply to our EN messages?
View all 7
Events Centre
When do I use the Events Centre?
Where do I find the Events Centre?
How do I create an event?
Why isn't my event sending?
How can I edit or delete my event?
View all 6
Parent Interviews
Parent Interviews Training Manual
News Centre
How do I know when to use the News Centre and when to use Messaging?
How do I create a news item or send a newsletter?
How do I add an attachment such as our school newsletter?
What is the difference between broadcasting and publishing?
Why did my news item/newsletter not go out?
View all 10
Messaging (groups)
When do I use Messaging?
How do I send a message to a group?
How do I add an attachment to a group message?
Why don't I have any groups?
How do I select my target groups?
View all 7
What different ways are there to set up groups?
How do I automatically create a student year level group or a classroom group etc?
Why are there no parents in the group that I created?
How do I manually create a group such as a rugby club or the PTA?
How do I create a group of Year Level, Classroom or Rugby Club parents?
View all 8
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