In edge under Attendance > Unexplained Absences, the Unexplained Absences for the day are displayed.
The system displays the caregivers with their phone numbers should the decision be made to call them.
The little blue phone icon next to the caregiver’s mobile number indicates that this person is setup in the Early Notification Group to be a recipient of the EN text message.
Other caregivers who are not ticked in the EN Group but have phone numbers will be displayed without the icon. See (A) Managing the EN Text Recipient to add caregivers to the EN Group.
To continue to send out the EN text, click on the ‘Early Notification’ tab
The Early Notification tab displays only those Unexplained Absences who have at least one caregiver specified in the EN Group as a recipient. See (A) Managing the EN Text Recipient to add caregivers to the EN Group.
edge automatically ticks all of the students in the list to receive an EN message. Deselect the tick box on the right to prevent a student receiving an EN message.
In the case of students or messages arriving at the last minute the ‘?’ can still be changed and a note added even at this late stage in the process. The student will be removed from the list.
Click ‘Submit ENS Batch’ to send out the notifications
Sending the EN Text Print
Modified on: Fri, 20 May, 2016 at 1:30 PM
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